Spring 2014, Issue #75: Editor’s Note

Dear Readers, After living in bucolic land-locked Kentucky for more than twenty years, my family and I traveled to an island off the coast of Washington State with the thought of making a move. During this first visit to the town where we have now lived for three years, I stood overlooking the salt water passage which borders the island’s ... Read More ►

Winter 2015, Issue #74: Editor’s Note

Dear readers, I invite you to consider that the humble and unassuming task of gardening is a profound method for learning about ourselves, getting touch with our souls, and exploring spirituality. For most of us, our lives are filled with thoughts and feelings that arise in response to what we observe in the world around us—our interactions with others, daily ... Read More ►

Whose Idea Is Your Child Thinking?

By Nancy Blanning The Effects of Media on Your Child’s Context for Life It is our fondest hope as parents and teachers that our children will be allowed to encounter the world directly through the freshness and unprejudiced vision of their own eyes, ears, and hands. I think of our grandson’s dedication to snail-watching last spring and summer. Nothing was ... Read More ►

Hildegard von Bingen; What a Medieval Prophetic Visionary Can Teach Us Today

By Maggie Pate Duffey, Edith Allison and Trista Haggerty How do we begin to make use of the religious texts, ancient traditions, and spiritual practices that have become more accessible in western cultures in the last several decades? How do we incorporate them into the “cultural creative” movement that seeks to address social, political, and artistic issues of our time? ... Read More ►

Summer 2015, Issue #80: Editor’s Note

Dear Readers, Being married to a farmer means that having dirt tracked into the house is a way of life. Fortunately, I like dirt. And I like living a life that keeps me close to the soil. Rudolf Steiner described the soul-like qualities of soil, and he spoke of soil as having an “inner life”—qualities we would normally attribute to ... Read More ►