Views from the Field: 21 Observations, Tips, and Questions from Teachers on Virtual Teaching and Learning

by Liz Beaven, EdD Most schools have launched a new school year in a start like no other with the majority of classes being offered virtually or in hybrid format. How do we approach Fall 2020 with its continuous requirement to develop and adopt plans, change adopted plans, then repeat as circumstances shift? How do we align our belief in ... Read More ►

Anti-Racism Resources

Compiled by Christy Korrow 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge from Food Solutions New England “While the scheduled twenty-one days of this year's Racial Equity Challenge wrapped up in April, we invite you to make use of this materials throughout the year. FSNE invests a significant amount of time and energy updating and improving the Challenge every year and it's our ... Read More ►

Take Action

- Resources compiled by Christy Korrow Vote. When We All Vote is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization that is on a mission to increase participation in every election and close the race and age voting gap by changing the culture around voting, harnessing grassroots energy, and through strategic partnerships to reach every American. Run for Something. Call your local county election ... Read More ►

Editor’s Note by Christy Korrow Spring 2020

Dear readers, I will always remember where I was on February 29th, the day that our state health department held a press conference telling us that the Novel Coronavirus was beginning to spread in the two counties that border us. And now, five weeks later, it has altered the fabric of our country’s society in ways we have never seen ... Read More ►

Working Through the Flu and Flu-like Symptoms helpful information we should all be sharing with each other

by Adam Blanning, MD If you or a loved one are showing signs of Covid19, contact your health care provider. We should all follow the guidelines from our state and local Departments of Health. Unless you are in need of hospitalization, you will be told to stay home--this is where Dr. Blanning’s recommendations below can be very helpful and supportive! ... Read More ►

Is It True? Approaches for Helping Children Discern and Resonate with the Truths in Their Lives

by Nancy Blanning Children were born to ask questions. It is a human imperative that they explore this new world by fingers, eyes, and mouth as infants and toddlers and then use the mouth as the great explorer to ask about everything. Though the seemingly endless “Why?” questions become tiring, they seem easy when the “Is it true?” query comes. ... Read More ►

The Active Antidote: Cancer as a Disease Process

Mark Hancock, MD Cancer strikes fear into a person in a deeper way than perhaps any other diagnosis. Fear is a sense of loss of relationship with one’s destiny and purpose. It is an excarnating reaction. Some people react with a calm resignation, which is the other side of this same response. Many people with cancer already have the feeling ... Read More ►

Society’s Seed of Change: Vaccinate?! by Georg Soldner, MD

The topic of vaccination elicits passionate responses. Why do we need to vaccinate earlier and earlier today? Georg Soldner in conversation with Wolfgang Held. Wolfgang Held: Why is the debate on the topic of vaccination so intense? Georg Soldner: The topic of vaccination has been polarized ever since there have been vaccinations. As early as 1860, there were statements from ... Read More ►