Note from the Editor- Winter 2021

Dear Readers,

I hope you can all make some space in your lives for deep thinking, contemplation, gardening, visits to a farm, for community, for family, for good meals with those in your household, or if you are still quarantining alone, with your pet, or with a friend on Zoom.

Make time for that which nourishes you and helps build up your bank of goodness and your capacity to be in a place of reverence, awe, kindness, compassion, and generosity.

Engaging in holistic, grounding activities provides us with a sense of inner warmth, rhythm, and consistency — a necessity during times of social and environmental destabilization. Cultivating this inner currency also puts us in a position where we have the capacity to do our own inner work, face hard truths of our own privilege and complicity, be open to learning, and be effective advocates, determined activists, and wise teachers and healers.

On this solid ground, we can get traction in building an equitable, safe, and resilient society. While climate change charges ahead, and the income gap results in more and more people working full time and still not able to pay their basic needs, the pandemic rages, and insurrectionists threaten our democracy, it will take all of us doing our part to insure we have a just government, an equitable economy, and a thriving cultural realm.

We’re not at a place where as a society we can collectively see that a system of domination and violence will leave our society in ashes—and that inclusivity and cooperation are the path toward true peace and prosperity.  Our authors are working in this direction and I hope their words inspire you as they have me.


In Community,
