Take Action

- Resources compiled by Christy Korrow


When We All Vote is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization that is on a mission to increase participation in every election and close the race and age voting gap by changing the culture around voting, harnessing grassroots energy, and through strategic partnerships to reach every American. www.whenweallvote.org

Run for Something.

Call your local county election office and learn more about which positions re open for reelection. Parks Commission, School Board, Library Board, City Council and on up. These local offices may not be on your radar but they can make a big difference in how and where money and services flow. Check out Run for Something. This org works exclusively with progressive Millennials and Gen-Zers running for local office for the first or second time. runforsomething.net


It is easier than ever to volunteer on a campaign from home. You can text bank, write postcards, and make phone calls to support candidates in your own state or to become part of a campaign to turn an election in another state or jurisdiction. postcardstovoters.org

Stand Up Against Corruption.

About US is an org that brings together conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass powerful anti-corruption laws that stop political bribery, end secret money, and fix our broken elections. www.about.us

Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal is a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society to 100% clean and renewable energy by 2030, a guaranteed living-wage job for anyone who needs one, and a just transition for both workers and frontline communities. www.sunrisemovement.org

Pay close attention to your state elections—this is where ideas and policies get traction and build momentum for possible future federal action. Healthcare access, civil rights, education, clean water and more are all decided in state capitols. Connect with your local Indivisible chapter. indivisible.org/groups & everydistrict.us

Educate Yourself. Pick one or two issues in this article that that you care about and learn about it. Find out which candidates and/or elected officials are leaders on the issue. Start reading material by subject matter experts. Even if you have 10 minutes here or there, stay engaged!

Make Art, Not War.

Download and read the Center for Cultural Power’s new guide: No Going Back: A Covid-19 Cultural Strategy Guide for Artists and Activists. “This illustrated resource points creators to ways they can make moving narratives that advance policy demands that are now within reach. It lays out frameworks and tools that support social change movements to harness the power of artists and culture makers in painting a picture of a more equitable and just future. It also highlights resources for artists who have been hard hit economically and professionally.” www.culturalpower.org & bit.ly/covidartistguide