Trabajando al servicio de los demás en The Fellowship Community

Eleanor Zimmerman, Oona Younger, Paul Scharff, M.D., Ann Scharff, Elizabeth Scherer, Jairo Gonzalez, Yoko Conlon, Catherine Commerford Cuidado de largo término para los mayores, intergeneracional, basado en el trabajo. La Fellowship Community es una comunidad intencional que “predica y practica” día a día. Desde 1966, The Fellowship Community ha existido con un propósito de servicio. Más que por dinero, trabajamos ... Read More ►

Letter from the Publisher, Claus Sproll- Fall 2019- #97

Dear Readers of LILIPOH: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness–LiLiPoH–was the battle cry of the American revolution, of the call for a new commitment to fundamental rights and an expression of  the basic ideas that stand behind the foundation of the USA as a republic. The idea of Liberty, Equality, and Brother/Sisterhood was at the center of the founding ... Read More ►

Editor’s Note by Christy Korrow- Summer 2019 – #96

“One alone does not help, but rather he who unites with the many at the right moment.” Goethe   LILIPOH believes in the principle behind democracy that all human beings have a right to life, liberty, and dignity. Because of that, we will be joining thousands of others within national, regional, and local communities and organizations who believe that these ... Read More ►

Waldorf Emergency and Trauma Pedagogy Comes to the US How Trauma-Informed Care Works for Children Living in Poverty by Ida Oberman

The term “Emergency Pedagogy” is one that has emerged over the past fifteen years to coincide with the dramatic increase in natural disasters, such as the Philippines befallen by earthquakes in 2018 and the cyclone in Mozambique as recently as April 2019. What evolved through a Waldorf educational approach provided healing for many children. How it all began Stuttgart 2006 ... Read More ►

Sleep. A Wonderful Resource by Daciana Iancu, MD

We need to allow an anabolic, or building up process for the physical and etheric to regenerate. The physical and etheric bodies, when separated from the higher members, have the opportunity to replenish themselves. The ego and astral bodies exit and enter in rhythmic patterns throughout the night.   What an interesting phenomenon happens every night. Darkness descends, activity decreases, ... Read More ►

The Growing Trend of Mistletoe Therapy as an Integral Part of Individualized Integrative Cancer Care: New mistletoe options and the emerging role of Helleborus niger

by Steven M Johnson, DO The global occurrence of cancer is still increasing and is the leading cause of death in Western countries. For two decades now about half of all cancer patients in North America and Europe have used some form of integrative cancer care (ICC).  Viscum album (mistletoe) remains the most studied and prescribed medicine within integrative medicine ... Read More ►

Forming a Grass-Roots Organization – Healing as a Social Task: Physicians’ Association for Anthroposophical Medicine (PAAM) Introduces the New Patient and Friends Organization

by Stephen Johnson, DO A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members. ---Mahatma Ghandi Although being president of the Physicians’ Association for Anthroposophical Medicine (PAAM) can be a challenging task at times (especially saying the name), I appreciate the opportunity it affords me to meet so many good people from around the world. Recently, I have ... Read More ►

Cinderella-Aschenputtel Viewed Through Anthroposophy

by Cathy Marconi Fairy tales transcend time. Their origins go back to the distant past and are found in oral traditions around the world. Fairy tales take us on a journey that joins body with soul and spirit. They are often inspired, and are thought to bring us closer to the angelic realm through their picture-language. According to artist and ... Read More ►