Responding to the Effects of Nuclear Radiation

Anthroposophic Medicine's Potential for Healing By M Kelly Sutton, MD As of April 10, when I write this, most of the world has experienced a sort of fire drill, rather than the full-scale tragedy that Japan has endured as a result of last month’s earthquake and tsunami. Japan's remarkable ability to safeguard, organize and endure is incredibly taxed by this ... Read More ►

A Pediatrician’s Insight on Autism

LILIPOH Interviews Michael Allen, MD LILIPOH: Please give us a short introduction to your practice. Dr. Allen: I have been a pediatrician for 21 years, and I am board certified in anthroposophic medicine, holistic medicine, and traditional pediatrics. In 2008, my wife and I set up an anthroposophic healing center near Fair Oaks, California, The Center for Living Health. We ... Read More ►

The Etheric Body and Health

By Alicia Landman-Reiner, MD, and Glenda Monasch, TE A therapeutic collaboration between an anthroposophic medical doctor and a therapeutic eurythmist Anthroposophic medicine is most fully realized when practiced through a multi-disciplinary approach. In much the same way that an illness may be expressed through varied symptoms and manifestations, so, too are the manifold therapeutic approaches that can work to support ... Read More ►