Healing or Stealing?

By Paul Hawken Fall 2009: New Society - Issue #57, Vol. 14 The Commencement Address by Paul Hawken to the Class of 2009, University of Portland, May 3, 2009 When I was invited to give this speech, I was asked if I could give a simple short talk that was “direct, naked, taut, honest, passionate, lean, shivering, startling, and graceful.” ... Read More ►

Amid Turbulent Economic and Environmental Change Agrarian Initiatives Emerge as Pathways Forward

By Steven McFadden When the UN’s Millennium Project released their State of the Future study last year—based on the input of 2,700 researchers, and backed by UNESCO, the World Bank, and the US Army—it set out an appallingly grim vision of what lies ahead. The study foresaw shortages of food and goods, a harsh reality that would incite widespread violence ... Read More ►

Health in America: From the Vantage Point of a Holistic Physician

By Philip Incao, MD In the April 7, 1920 lecture “"Healthcare as a Social Issue" (Mercury Press), Rudolf Steiner warned that the economic sphere must not be allowed to rule the free spiritual-cultural activity of medicine and health care. Yet today in some countries, and particularly in the US, the practice of medicine is subordinated to the business interests of ... Read More ►

The Inner Ear as Grounding

By Nancy Mellon Like the ancient Chinese and Indian Rishis before him, Rudolf Steiner saw the whole human form condensed within the human ear. In a lecture given in 1922, he described the tiny bony formations deep within the inner ear as a miniature person standing on an eardrum. The stapes or stirrup bone appeared to him as a version ... Read More ►

The Ancient Practice of Ayurveda in the 21st Century

Joanna Berkowitz Interviews Scott Gerson, MD, PhD Dr. Scott Gerson, medical director of the National Institute Of Ayurvedic Medicine (www.niam.com), is one of the nations foremost Ayurvedic physicians and researchers. Ayurveda is the oldest surviving complete medical system in the world, with roots dating back some 5,000 years. JB: Dr.Gerson, times change, the evolution of humanity undergoes changes. How is ... Read More ►

Dr. Edward Bach and the Invisible Science of Health

By Julian Barnard Edward Bach (1886-1936) was an English MD and homeopath who developed the 38 Bach Flower Essences. He qualified as a doctor in 1912 at a time when the main thrust of medical research was concerned with immunology and the search for new vaccines. These vaccines would defend the population against pathogens which were seen as the cause ... Read More ►

Genetically Modified Foods; Are Our Freedoms Eroding?

By Laura Langford Schnur Daily, email, mail and media describe desperate conditions, events, crimes against people or nature, appealing for aid and help with petitions. There is so much need in the world! It’s almost overwhelming to know. My soul responds in horror, my will forces engage, muscles tense and I’m mobilized to do something. But what? I can occasionally ... Read More ►

What Are Epidemics?

By Philip F Incao, MD "The strongest passion is fear." La Fontaine (1621-1695) . “Passion is catching.” Shakespeare (1564-1616) (in Julius Caesar) An epidemic, say of influenza, like many things in life, seems at first easy to understand, but on deeper examination becomes surprisingly complex. We think of an epidemic as a contagious infection, a contamination of our inner bodily ... Read More ►

The Teeth: Their significance in child development, their anomalies and an anthroposophical therapeutic approach

A report from a lecture given by the anthroposophic dentist, Claus Haupt by Katherine Beaven and Caroline Westlake In an attempt to come to a deeper understanding of the nature of the teeth, we can begin by observing their outer appearance. When looking at a picture of an enlarged molar, the impression of mountain ranges is quite striking, whereas an ... Read More ►

Responding to the Effects of Nuclear Radiation

Anthroposophic Medicine's Potential for Healing By M Kelly Sutton, MD As of April 10, when I write this, most of the world has experienced a sort of fire drill, rather than the full-scale tragedy that Japan has endured as a result of last month’s earthquake and tsunami. Japan's remarkable ability to safeguard, organize and endure is incredibly taxed by this ... Read More ►