What is an Anthroposophical Physician

27By Andrea Schaeffer-Pautz, MD
Issue: Spring 2002, A Rich Offering of Therapies - Issue #27

A physician or osteopathic physician who has completed a conventional training with all its external qualifications, who fully acknowledges the benefits and accomplishments of modern medicine, but does not stop there.

The anthroposophical physician extends traditionally taught medicine, based on a study of the human being as taught by Dr. Rudolf Steiner about one hundred years ago. Among other things this study recognizes that human beings are more than just a physical body, shared with the mineral kingdom. It considers the etheric (vital) body, shared with the plant kingdom, the emotional body, also called astral body, shared with the animal kingdom, and the ego, exclusive to the human being. Disease takes place when these bodies are in a state of imbalance with each other. Anthroposophical medicine seeks for ways to remedy these imbalances. Working with anthroposophical ideas requires continuous learning, searching for the causes of phenomena that may underlie symptoms. Anthroposophical medical doctors are interested in the biography of their patients and acknowledge that the roots of certain problems may lie in the physical, emotional or spiritual domain, or in a combination of these.

They are deeply interested in the lifestyle of their patients, not out of curiosity, but as a means of listening for the underlying tenor of their life.

Anthroposphically-oriented medical doctors are interested in education, acknowledging that health or illness in later life may have its roots in our upbringing, and in the way we care of our children.

An anthroposphical doctor has spent considerable time studying naturopathy and homeopathy, since anthroposophic medicine is an extension of existing medicine, and because anthroosophical medicine uses medicinal substances from the realms of nature. · Anthroposophical doctors study and incorporate anthroposophy, the philosophy that came out of the movement around Dr. Rudolf Steiner, into their own daily work and patient care, as a way of life. This is different for every healthcare professional, but this work never ends; we are all always on the way.

An anthroposophic doctor is not only interested in attaining utmost health patients, we work and strive persistently towards that goal for our own life. No one can help others, if they do not work on themselves. Anthroposophical doctors will always be curious to learn of research by other medical groups that find ways of addressing disease in an integrative, innovative way.

Dr. Pautz of Persephone Healing Arts Center in Atlantic Beach, FL specializes in a movement therapy known as eurythmy, which further broadens her approach to healing. Dr. Pautz also focuses on chronic and terminal diseases, as well as burnout syndromes.