One Mind

Craig Weiner, DC, interviews Larry Dossey, MD How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters David Bohm, the great twentieth-century physicist, said that “deep down, the consciousness of mankind is one, and if we don’t see this, we’re blinding ourselves to it.” It’s not just the sense of connectedness that people experience and are ... Read More ►

Children’s Questions

By Nancy Blanning What Are They Really Asking? Little children ask endless questions. Their initial wordless finger-pointing, which might mean “Take me there,” “What is that?” or “I want,” eventually gives way to verbalization. The first questions begin to emerge at about eighteen to twenty-four months, and are mostly “What?” But the third year brings more “w” questions: who? when? ... Read More ►

The Harmonic Heart

Jennifer Lipski, RN How Embodying Love and Gratitude Can Change the World Our lifeblood circulates through our bodies via a profoundly powerful biomechanical pump known as the heart. The heart beat is created by electrochemical interactions between the heart and brain; as the dynamic conversation between these two entities changes, so does the rhythm and intensity of the beat. Research ... Read More ►

Spring 2014, Issue #75: Editor’s Note

Dear Readers, After living in bucolic land-locked Kentucky for more than twenty years, my family and I traveled to an island off the coast of Washington State with the thought of making a move. During this first visit to the town where we have now lived for three years, I stood overlooking the salt water passage which borders the island’s ... Read More ►


By Nancy Blanning Overstimulated and Underprotected in the Modern Media World Information, useful and trivial, wanted or not, bombards us constantly. Our senses are continually stimulated. In self-protection, I have personally found an email access that avoids a “home page”— I no longer am assaulted with the latest celebrity news, nor the disaster of the moment, whether actual or threatened, ... Read More ►

Winter 2015, Issue #74: Editor’s Note

Dear readers, I invite you to consider that the humble and unassuming task of gardening is a profound method for learning about ourselves, getting touch with our souls, and exploring spirituality. For most of us, our lives are filled with thoughts and feelings that arise in response to what we observe in the world around us—our interactions with others, daily ... Read More ►