LILIPOH Editorial Manager

We are excited to announce a unique opportunity to become a vital part of our team as the Editorial Manager for our quarterly magazine! If you are passionate about making a difference in the world, have a sharp editorial eye, and thrive in a dynamic environment, we want to hear from you! Position: Editorial Manager Responsibilities: As the Editorial Manager, ... Read More ►

Unearthing Biodynamic Agriculture in Mexico: A Conversation with the Impulso Biodinámico de México by Vincent Geerts and Sara González, translated by Kaysha Korrow

Can you start by describing the history of the Impulso Biodinámico de México and how the organization fits into the story of the biodynamic movement in Mexico more broadly?   Since 2000, biodynamics in Mexico has had a tradition of classes, workshops, and diploma courses in various parts of the country that have been facilitated by pioneering teachers from Mexico ... Read More ►

A Vision Became Reality: Construction Completion at the Lakota Waldorf School Isabel Stadnik

The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota is located in one of the poorest counties in the United States. It is home to roughly 42,000 Oglala Lakota. Parents cannot afford tuition; therefore, The Lakota Waldorf School depends completely on the generous donations of individuals, foundations, and corporations.   As the only Native American, tuition-free Waldorf school, we rely on ... Read More ►

Where Is Your “I”? Discovering the Joy of Connection by David Tresemer, PhD

Where Is Your “I”? Discovering the Joy of Connection David Tresemer, PhD A person feeling besieged by life, asking for help, with a list of physical and emotional complaints, sits across from a counselor. Each of us has sat on either side of that encounter. A counselor can include an uncle, aunt, friend, licensed clinical psychologist, an employee of a ... Read More ►

Love Bravely: Exploring the Transformative Power of Music and the Arts by Matt Matre Sawaya

Love Bravely: Exploring the Transformative Power of Music and the Arts Matt Matre Sawaya Over the past few years, I’ve experienced divisions between people in a way I never had before. I found myself thinking very differently about things compared with some of the people I’m close to. This started happening all around me—between family members, friends, and colleagues. “Fire ... Read More ►

Fulfilling Our Promise: Becoming Inclusive Waldorf Communities By Vicki Larson

Fulfilling Our Promise: Becoming Inclusive Waldorf Communities Vicki Larson Our Alma Alma Partners is a multiracial, multigenerational group of eleven individuals from diverse backgrounds living in the US and Canada. We launched the organization in the spring of 2020, founded on the belief that institutions are, first and foremost, communities that have an opportunity and a responsibility to build cultures of belonging, courage, ... Read More ►


Overload:   Overstimulated and Underprotected in the Modern Media World  Nancy Blanning  First published Winter 2014    Information, useful and trivial, wanted or not, bombards us constantly. Our senses are continually stimulated. In self-protection, I have personally found an email access that avoids a “home page”; I no longer am assaulted with the latest celebrity news, nor the disaster of the ... Read More ►

Movement in Early Childhood

Movement in Early Childhood:   Developmental Magic? Or Nourishment?  Nancy Blanning  First published Spring 2010     Early childhood is the gateway to healthy development and to a sense of comfort and happiness in one’s own physical body. Much of this is accomplished through play and the freedom of movement that play invites. Not so long ago when childhood was less structured ... Read More ►

The Little Child’s To-Do List 

The Little Child’s To-Do List  Nancy Blanning  First published Winter 2019    Time has us in such a rush. There seems to be some unofficial law written into our societal clock that everything has to go fast. Now does not exist. We are oriented only toward the next moment, which we are propelling ourselves toward. We adults remark that we ... Read More ►