From the Publisher
Dear Readers,
What to say! What to say!
What to write – what to write.
I was considering leaving the page empty – speechless.
I was considering just one word – VOTE.
How to proceed in the face of distortion, untruth, manipulation, mockery?
How to stand strong in the face of homophobia, hatred of others and immigrants?
How to process the endless onslaught of so-called “facts”?
How to cope with the information overload?
How to understand the speed of development of artificial intelligence?
How to place the human being along the ever more sophisticated robots and machines?
And then there are the sparks of light, albeit ever so small...
More woman, people of color, and LGBTQ people in political office on all levels of government.
Acceptance of differences among us all.
More sharing, gift economy, exploration of universal basic income, and more worker-owned cooperatives.
More local economy.
More awareness of recycling or and the need to reduce buying plastic.
More organic produce.
Reinventing organizations based on triple bottom line and B Corps principles.
More ideas about structuring our society along threefold concepts.
I hope we can continue to share with you the good news, the interesting aspects of life in regard to health in all areas of life.
AND we will focus over the next years even more on health as the health care system will need new ideas, new approaches, and new models of service and care. We will be actively involved in promotion of public health, self-help, and home-based approaches.
AND Vote!
- Claus Sproll