Winter 2017, Issue #86: Editor’s Note

Dear Readers,

Welcome to 2017, a chance for a fresh new start—and time to get to work. Politically, environmentally, and socially, more and more is being asked of us.

I found myself with renewed hope as we re-grouped post-election and I conversed with our publisher, Claus Sproll about where and how LILIPOH needs to stand socially and politically in context of the new US administration. One of his comments inspired me—we need to examine what we stand for—we need to be for something.

Here is the short list of what LILIPOH is and continues to be FOR!


We are for taking a genuine interest in others—who are our neighbors, what are their religious and cultural beliefs, which sectors of my own community can I get to know better?

We are for home health care. How can we together learn to treat common illnesses at home, safely?

We are for biodynamic and organic food and farming—grow it, buy it, all of the above.

We are for serving and helping out in our communities.

We are for fairness, brotherhood, and generosity in economics.

We are for nature and creativity in childhood education.


The thought of changing our own lives and not to mention the world can be overwhelming and exhausting. Some days I just want to hang out with my cat and paint and listen to music, cook some good food and let that be what I effort at for the day. But we need to dig deep and do more for what we stand for—and we need to do it more often, more loudly, more strongly, and with as much kindness and compassion we can muster.

We also need your help! We are seeking writers who can share stories of and commentary on social justice issues,  immigration, socialized medicine, and public education specifically through the lens of anthroposophy or social threefolding. Do you know of a Waldorf school who is partnering with nonprofits that have a social justice mission or bringing this into their educational curriculum in any way? Please email with tips, contacts, and suggestions!

-Christy Korrow, Editor of LILIPOH Magazine